Balancing Parenthood and Self-Care: How Many Moms Opt for Daycare at 1 Year?

Parenting is a full-time job that requires constant attention, love, and care. However, it’s also essential for parents, especially moms, to take care of themselves. This balance between parenthood and self-care can be challenging to achieve. One solution that many moms have found is to opt for daycare when their child turns one. This allows them to have some time for themselves during the day, whether it’s for going to the gym, doing chores, learning, healing, or preparing healthy meals. But how common is this practice? Let’s delve into this topic and explore the balance between parenthood and self-care.

Why Opt for Daycare at 1 Year?

Many moms choose to put their child in daycare at one year for various reasons. Some need to return to work, while others may need some time to focus on their personal growth and well-being. Daycare provides a safe and nurturing environment for children to interact with their peers, learn new skills, and develop their social and emotional abilities. Meanwhile, moms get the chance to take a break, focus on their health, pursue hobbies, or even further their education.

How Many Moms Actually Do This?

According to a survey conducted by the National Survey of Early Care and Education, about 61% of children under the age of five are in some form of regular child care arrangement, which includes daycare. While the data does not specifically break down the number of one-year-olds in daycare, it’s safe to say that a significant number of moms opt for this choice.

Benefits of Daycare

Daycare offers numerous benefits for both the child and the mom. For children, it provides a structured environment where they can learn, play, and socialize. It also helps them develop essential skills like problem-solving, communication, and cooperation. For moms, daycare provides a much-needed break and the opportunity to focus on self-care. This can lead to improved mental health, increased productivity, and overall better quality of life.

Challenges and Considerations

While daycare can be a great solution, it’s not without its challenges. Finding a high-quality daycare that aligns with your parenting philosophy can be difficult. There’s also the cost to consider, which can be prohibitive for some families. Additionally, some moms may feel guilty or judged for choosing to put their child in daycare. It’s important to remember that every family is unique and what works for one may not work for another. The key is to find a balance that works for your family and supports the well-being of both the child and the mom.


Ultimately, the decision to put a child in daycare at one year is a personal one that depends on various factors. What’s important is that moms remember to take care of themselves too. After all, a happy and healthy mom makes for a happy and healthy child.